As you know, i've been reading Max Pemberton's 'Trust Me, I'm a Junior Doctor'. I've enjoyed what i've read so far, and it's very reminiscent of what i watched on Scrubs.

Last night, i read a part which cracked me up big time. Hilarious! I'll try to summarise the initial parts of that day's entry, but i'll quote the book at the end of the entry.

Max was on call that night, and was asked by the nurses to insert an irrigation catheter into a female demented patient's urethra. As irrigation catheters are generally larger bore than regular urinary catheters, the nurses had a hard time inserting it into the patient who'd scream and yell whenever an attempt was made.

Max wasn't sold on the idea as he had only ever inserted catheters for males(it's pretty straightforward, albeit a little more traumatising) because females tend to decline male medical students from doing it. But he had to do it, and attempted it, armed with lotsa lubricant jelly.

He kept in mind what they said in medical school- 'Aim high'. Obviously because females of 2 holes in that anatomy region- the urethra and the vagina. Just as when he thinks he's got it in, it get's stuck. After starting on a brand new tube of lubricant jelly, he gives up and desperately turns to his registrar for help.

She reluctantly does it, and was successful on the first attempt.

(Here comes the epic part!)

"Congratulations Dr Pemberton. You've just spent the last 30 minutes attempting to insert a catheter into this woman's clitoris."

OMFG. Fucking hilarious! I was thinking, that because the clitoris the the female equivalent of the male's penis, he must've been stimulating her for the whole 30 minutes. ZOMG.

I really like this book you know. Not so much for such silly things, but the perspective it offers in such a casual and personal way.


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