Saw my rheumy!

Rheumy visit today. For the first time in over a year, there wasn't a red flag beside my name on the system! My labs were all good!!! My liver has normalised. YAY!!! ESR wasn't taken, so that's prolly why my labs were all good!

I was in the room for the longest yet, discussing which drug was the culprit for the 3 bouts of transaminitis. We figured it was most likely to be MTX- SADNESS! I love MTX because of the simple once-a-week regime, and its efficacy on me. We'll not be continuing SSZ- THANK GOODNESS. This drug is the source of my non-compliance to my meds! But to give it credit, it did put me into almost a full remission.

Now, the plan is to try Leflunomide(Arava) again. This is the same drug which we thought affected my liver the first time i tried it. So this time, we're skipping the loading dose, and we're going on a much smaller dose- 100mg/2wks. I was previously on 100mg/wk. Might as well.

Why i am ANGRY- Arava is very expensive for a poor bloke like me paying for all my meds and consultations. 5 tablets were about $170. That turns out to be about $34/tab. No freaking subsidy. OMFG. I just got my pay, and like half of it is gone. SO MADDENING! Just when i thought the Arava plan might be good, the cost has to put me off. So how? Even if it works well, i might not want to go back on it. *pfft*

I got a note from my rheumy to whoever my BCLS tester/instructor is. We think it might be mechanical pain and not RA pain, but oh well. I don't think i can be exempted, so i think she asked for 'leniency'. We'll see what the teacher says when she reads the note.

My knee hurts BADLY. How to go swim/gym?

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