Good and Bad News

Bad news first. I FAILED my adult one-man CPR component. Why? Because i blew too hard, 10 out of the 12 breaths, and the maximum number of mistakes allowed is 4. :( My first try had me under-blowing, or not even blowing at all. The second try was much better. But who knew? My assessor was very nice and encouraging, and she's also one of the in-charge of WorldSkills training. I passed all other components, and will be retaking it on Wednesday. Heck. I failed something which doesn't affect our GPA- it does say something about how much i care about my GPA huh!

Good news then. I received a message on Friday regarding WorldSkills training that will be commencing coming Wednesday(have i already mentioned this previously?). Like FINALLY. We've been waiting forever, thinking that one of us might have been eliminated. Thing is, my friend was somehow not shortlisted. Funny because they told us they will NOT do any preliminary eliminations after we had the assessment last December. They only said that they wanted to gauge our standard. My friend said that they only shortlisted 12(whether it's 12 year 1s, and 12 year 2s, or 12 in all, i don't know) for training, which i feel is very selective. They said they'll slowly eliminate till there's only 8. So if we start with 12, then WTH? What did they base their selection on? I honestly don't know. The assessment we had was too basic, and the interaction we had with the lecturers was barely enough for them to make a judgement. I feel very privileged to still be in, but i feel for my friend. Afterall, she deserves a shot at it.

But whatever it is, way to go!!! OIPP is the next hurdle, and mugging for exams is all i can do on my part now. Can you believe that i'm already starting to do a little revision 2-3 weeks before exams? I've only done something like that for 'O' levels. So this is how desperate i've become. I want to go for OIPP!!!


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